Bridal Gown Alterations

Bridal Gown Alternations
Bride to be in wedding gown in front of the mirror

Bridal Arena is the bridal gown alterations expert in the Austin, TX area. To many people, the bridal gown or wedding dress is the most important piece of clothing a woman ever owns. I guarantee that I do what it takes to make the wearer and garment stand out and turn heads. My 24 years of bridal industry experience ensures this!

The entire wedding party may need professional gown alterations. Turn to us for the perfect mother-of-the-bride alterations that are sure to lower stress levels. Let us do our magic with flower girl dresses, ring bearer suits, and bridesmaids dresses,

Receiving the highest quality bridal gown alterations depends on a number of things. We request that each person being fitted bring the wedding dress or bridal gown. Bring along the undergarments being worn so I can fit them properly. Fitted undergarments help the wearer feel more comfortable while also enhancing the garment’s appearance.

If you are wearing a petticoat underneath your bridal gown or wedding dress, I ask you bring it along. This garment also enhances the wedding gown’s appearance. Bring the shoes you will be wearing during the special occasion. Hems can make or break any gown’s appearance and comfort level.

Standard bridal gown alterations include taking in or letting out sides, shoulders, hemming, and working on different types of bustles. Bustles are where the train connects to the gown. Different types include French, belle, sheer southern, sarah, christina, and anna belle. We can handle them all with professionalism and timeliness!

No one does better bridal gown alterations in the Austin, TX area than Bridal Arena does. Schedule a fitting today!

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